
Thursday, April 25, 2019

What couples want their other halves to know!

A survey of married couples by British polling firm, Ginger Research, found that mood swings were the thing wives would most like to change in a partner.

And top of their list of things they hate is their husband’s grumpiness.

The following are the findings of the researchers:

• A quarter of wives would like their husbands to become more appreciative.
• Women want their spouses to drink less.

• They want men to help more with chores.

• Husbands are also expected to get rid of their beer belly.

• When men use the bathroom, women expect them to put the loo seat down before flushing.

• 22 per cent wished their other half was happier.

• One in five wanted their wives to be more adventurous in the bedroom.

• Overall, while the majority were happy in their marriage, 13 per cent said they were unsure if they had ended up with the right person.

• Men want their wives to ‘dress sexier.’

• The want their wives to stop watching ‘bad TV programmes.’

• They want wives to be more into sport.

• Men want their women to forget obsessing about their weight.
Relationship expert and psychologist Donna Dawson said: “What’s surprising about this research is the number of men clamouring for more affection – this is usually the number one female gripe.

“It appears that men would be less grumpy if they were given more affection and more adventurous sex, while women would be happier if men listened more and stopped their bad habits.

“Regardless of the difference in complaints from both genders, the old relationship rules still apply – to try to listen to each other, to meet in the middle, and to show each other kindness, patience and respect.”

The survey of 1,500 couples by polling firm, Ginger Research, found that men wanted their wives to ‘dress sexier’, stop watching ‘bad TV programmes’, be more into sport and forget obsessing about their weight.

Women, however, wished their spouses would drink less, help more with chores, get rid of their beer belly and put the loo seat down. They also wanted to change their husband’s height, facial hair – and table manners.
(Ginger Research)

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