
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Why women sometimes see penis as a monster!

If your sex partner of several weeks, months or even years still shudders at the sight of your erect manhood, don’t think that she’s being ‘one kind.’

Rather, her action or feeling is supported by a recent scientific study, which found that women remember penises as being larger than they really were.

To prove their point, researchers at the University of California had 41 gals handle a 3D-printed penis for 30 seconds.

Then the study participants completed a short survey, after which they had to reach into a bin of 32 other fake penises and pick the one they held before.

As it turns out, the women generally pulled out a phony phallus that was bigger than the original one.

So, if your partner/wife considers your penis as bigger-than-normal, she has a scientific backing for her thinking.

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